The chapter deals with business etiquette requirements that differ from country to country. Business etiquette is an essential top-up skill needed to enhance one's impact in a business conversation. One needs to learn a repertoire of culturally programed etiquette when crossing national boundaries. Even though there is a widespread dialogue around cultural convergence surmounting porous map borders, in reality communication behaviors may alter radically from map to map to the extent that a certain behavioral act may earn encomium in one culture but may get a negative attestation from the other. This etiquette has many aspects – handling introductions, greetings, dressing, etc. which are social inventions of a given country. Knowing about business etiquette is an important precursor to the onset of business relationship building. This chapter comprises two sections – section A deals with seven aspects of business etiquette like social rules pertaining to nomenclature identities, greeting behaviors, dressing orientations, card presentations, culturally approved gift giving options, social questioning as ice-breaking custom, and small talk preferences for pre-business socialization. Section B is a country panorama presenting the etiquette essentials for some of the major countries around the globe.