One of the most radical changes occurring in archaeology today involves a turn to material/ontological matters. Against previous trends that placed too much importance on humans and their thoughts, the New Materialists and Posthumanists have advocated a return to the material aspects of archaeological reality.

By relying on ontology, the New Materialists and Posthumanists have fallen into old traps and this chapter will discuss these in detail. First, following Willard Van Orman Quine, this chapter argues that many archaeologists are following a very flawed and dogmatic understanding of the concept of ontology; second, despite describing themselves as materialists, the philosophy that underlies the New Materialisms and most of the Posthumanisms is idealist; and third, as pointed out by many critics, the New Materialisms and Posthumanisms have been incredibly confusing when it comes to how ethics operates in societies past and present.

By engaging with Ronan Farrow’s reporting of Harvey Weinstein, this chapter argues that even if we follow an ontology of networks of objects, we still need an explanation as to why we should single out responsible members within these networks. It is true that multiple objects and people were needed in order for Weinstein to abuse, assault, and rape several women; however, our ethical focus should be placed on the people who were responsible for those abuses, assaults, and rapes to happen.