The often-overlooked importance of waste in human life was a central concern of social theorist Georges Bataille: Man is not just the separate being that contends with the living world and with other men for his share of resources. Barthes focuses on Bataille’s particular blend of metaphor and metonymy as he traces the vicissitudes of the untethered eye; metonymy referring to the continuous, contiguous sequence of the eye’s journey. From the outset, Sam created a diagnostic impression akin to a “dissocial” adolescent with “antisocial tendencies”, or, put simply, a “problem child”. Ultimately, the unstated goal of treatment was to enable Sam to sublimate, to self-regulate, to hold it together. The sun, from the human point of view is the most elevated concept. Moreover, the author present Sam; convulsed, post-mortem, in photographic fragments. “As directed by the text that accompanies them, the photographs become interpretable as documents of convulsive beauty, objective and unconscious”.