The Dima Halam Daogah (DHD-J), banned on 2 July, following the arrest of its leader Jewel Gorlosa in Bangalore in June, joins the United Liberation Front of Asom and the National Democratic Front of Bodoland, which have also been proscribed under the same Act. The United People’s Democratic Solidarity, a rebel outfit driven by Karbi nationalist aspirations, meaning very broadly, greater autonomy for and integration of Karbi people, one of the hills tribes, living in Karbi Anglong and Karbi-inhabited areas outside and contiguous to that district, signed a ceasefire agreement with the union and state governments in May 2002. The trajectory of the DHD and its clone, too, has followed similar lines. Its stated objective is the establishment of a ‘Dimaraji’, a political and territorial structure for the Dimasa, another hill tribe. There is hardly an insurgent/terrorist organization in Assam or the NE region that has not gone through such a process.