Existentialists, it must be acknowledged, are less clear-cut in their expressions of overriding and long-term aims: their concern is rather with immediate objectives. In the harmony of Yin and Yang one is, healthily and comprehensively, attaining a many-faceted process of Being which includes both opting in and opting out, commitment to civic life and all that that involves, and withdrawal from it in order to find refreshment in or at the fount, or Ground, of Being. Whether the Yang or the Yin is the predominant emphasis in any person’s life, there is total consistency among all our sources on one basic issue: the choice will be freely made. Many Westerners, particularly those raised in, if not adherents of, the theistic tradition, find themselves to be at least disturbed, often shocked, and sometimes disgusted by the relaxed and frank way in which the sexual union between a man and a woman is discussed in Eastern religious and philosophical writings.