For his passion for life and disregard for their constructs, the gods cast Sisyphus into the pit where every day he was forced to roll a rock up a hill. He was there for eternity at his never-ending task, but he would not be alone. Sisyphus walks down to meet his destiny at the bottom of the canyon. In those moments when he trods down, he is aware. He is observing. As in the four-stroke engine, Sisyphus is taking in fuel, motivation. He is readying himself for Action and Energy. Sisyphus possesses purpose and conviction as he starts his journey anew and starts to push the rock uphill once more. In this moment, Sisyphus is stronger than his rock. The Monado Gumbo is something richer, spicier, more delicious than the sum of its parts. Eating gumbo is a defining moment for all involved, cooks and guests.