The extended meaning and study of pandemic episode in this work has been beyond a medical and mechanical one alone. That is because along with pandemic debacle there exist a whole range of attenuating debilities. These prevail as cause and effect of the global viral disease. Among such great human and social problems that persist are deepening poverty, disempowerment, hunger, and inequality in terms of employment and insecurity. The study of pandemic episodes as experienced by the case of COVID-19 has proved the long-term social problems by its upheaval on all human fronts. To control the pandemic is simultaneously to address the causes and solutions of the great problems that are associated with the pandemic in the long-term global scale. The long-term continuation of scientific, economic, and social consequences linked to pandemic episodes reveals itself by lasting poverty, inequality, disempowerment, unemployment, and human insecurity over generations (Inglott, 1990). 1 This work has been an enquiry on the future modelling of the full consequences of pandemic world for treatment, cure, and resolution by the model of science-economy-society-wide moral inclusiveness.