One objection to slacking is that slackers are parasitic, or freeloading. And freeloaders impose undue burdens onto others. For example, consider the slacker student who refuses to do their share of work in a group project or the slacker student who drops out of college and leaves their parents with substantial debt. Perhaps what makes a freeloading slacker especially infuriating is their indifferent attitude. They seem to have a complete lack of regard for those around them, be they groupmates or parents. The idea is that since a slacker does not care about being accomplished, they are unmotivated to do their job. For example, a slacker student who does not care about their academic achievement may not turn in their assignments, or if they are in a group project, they would just let other students pick up their slack. However, the fact that a slacker lacks ambition does not mean they will not do what is minimally required of them.