Google has changed the way we search for information. In earlier times, the public library, encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers were the primary avenues we traveled to gather information and collect evidence for any topic we were researching. But the internet has changed all that. Now we simply type the topic into the Google search bar and click the button, and thousands of websites, articles, and information sources appear on the screen.

In this chapter, we will learn how to gather information pertaining to any speech topic you choose, select the most relevant information for your speech, and present your material in the most informative and persuasive ways. You will learn seven types of supporting material, including definitions, examples, explanations, comparisons, statistics, expert testimony, and visual aids. Then you’ll be introduced to the three major sources of information—your own experience and knowledge, library resources (internet platforms), and interviewing. Finally, the process of recording the research information is explained.