The polity score, an instrument widely used to measure democracy, is computed as follows: Every year a country receives a rating of between 0 and 10, depending on its government’s democratic features, and a value of from 0 to 10 for its dictatorial ones. The economic and welfare measures are standard and thus need no clarification. Domestic democide is a term coined by Professor Rummel. A overthrow or breakdown of the regime followed by the establishment of another dictatorship, for example, Cuba from Batista to Castro. Domestic democide excludes civil, foreign, or colonial wars. It includes such measures as mass deportations and internments of political oppositionists, dissenters, and other non-conforming elements in forced labor camps without adequate food, shelter, or other protection from the elements, disease, criminals placed in their midst, and so on. Moving on to the comparative performance of the regime, the criteria of evaluation are social, economic, and political.