This chapter presents data from a series of interviews conducted with people who have various associations to campus memorials—students, campus administrators, family or friends of memorialized individuals, and people who attend the annual commemoration events. Data from these interviews are used to share participants' perspectives on what role memorial structures and events play in their lives and in the life of the impacted community. The interviews are combined in this chapter to emphasize the differing perspectives that each group brings, all of which are important to consider when designing a commemorative experience for a campus community. Memorials at Marshall University and Wichita State University are highlighted in this chapter. Both institutions' football teams were severely impacted by air tragedies in Fall 1970, events that rocked their local communities and drew nationwide attention. Presenting these two memorials together showcases how institutional approaches to very similar emergencies may differ and how the life and legacy of campus memorials can continue over several decades. A key finding that this chapter emphasizes is that while memorials can provide a cathartic, bonding experience for many people, there are some people for whom the experience can be re-traumatizing and isolating.