It’s time to put these principles into action! Here is a checklist of items to complete:

Create a seller account

Choose Basic or Premium.

Choose a store name and image.

Link a new email address to the account. Use your store’s logo/image as the image attached to the email account as well.

Choose/Set up a payment method. (I didn’t cover this in Section 1 because this is a piece of technology that can change over time. Choose whatever is the best option for you of the options available at the time.)

Spend time researching other sellers

What do you like? What don’t you like?

What gives you ideas/inspiration?

Are there common themes? That means those areas already have “proof of concept” (i.e., they work)

Upload your featured (free) item

Create at least five categories

You’ll add more later, but five is a great start!

Ask legal questions of professionals

Start with the ones that are free!52

Complete the workspace pages

These are great to come back to over time. You might go on a run with an idea, and when you’ve seen that through, you can come back to your workspace pages and pick a new idea to run with.