In this chapter we recap on the purpose of the book: to identify activities to stop/not start, so that we can focus energy and resource on actions that make a profound difference to the learning lives of children. We also summarize they key messages from each chapter of the book: (1) that the global expansion of education has been one of the greatest successes of the modern era, but we are still far from universal access and quality; (2) that we need to learn to get Lean and make better use of the system resource we have already got; (3) to get Lean it helps if we have strong data about what works, but the developing countries research is still a work in progress; (4) that the Visible Learning METAX can be leveraged as a short-term data stop-gap, albeit with major health warnings; (5) teachers make the biggest difference; (6) systems and structures help, but only to a point; (7) accountability systems often unlock perverse incentives; (8) it’s all about the high-impact instructional approaches deployed in classrooms; (9) education technology makes a modest (but growing) difference; and (10 and 11) Leaning to GOLD provides an implementation framework to turn evidence into action (and impact) at scale.