Luigi di Leonardo had been employed in Naples in his uncles’ Guglielmo and Pierantonio business companies and had later founded his own company with his brother Giulio and other Florentine merchants. The long-lasting trace of his family's stay in Naples consisted of the commission to the Florentine architect and sculptor Giovanni Antonio Dosio of a marble slab decorated with an inlay in pietre dure, once in the pavement just before the entrance of the family chapel in San Giovanni dei Fiorentini. Once back in Florence, Luigi married Caterina Della Tosa and moved the Del Riccio's household into the more prestigious via de’ Tornabuoni. Here he started the restoration of the building and the decoration of the private family chapel inside of the new Palazzo Del Riccio. Some payments to artists who also lived in Naples testify to the tight bond he had had with the city.