In Chapter 6, “Applying your Coaching Approach in Organizations,” we describe how a coaching mindset and skill set can help build a culture that fosters human potential and flourishing. We break this down into leadership, culture, and organizational practices. We look at formal (e.g., professional coaching) and informal (e.g., managers using coaching skills in conversations) mechanisms for bringing coaching to organizations and how these contribute to a coaching culture. Organizations use coaching in a variety of ways, and coaching can be provided by people in a range of roles, including managers, peers, or internal and external professional coaches. We examine the impact of coaching or a coaching approach on inclusion, performance management, learning and leadership development, and more.

Chapter 6 Questions:

How do organizations use coaching?

What impact can coaching have at the organizational level?

How can coaching enhance organizational practices?

Chapter 6 Key Idea:

Coaching can be incorporated in organizations in formal and informal ways to impact individuals, groups, teams, and culture. Viewing organizational practices and processes can impact how they are designed and implemented.