This final analytical chapter presents the main findings of the qualitative content analysis of the Facebook community under study, which was created by protesters to support their mobilization efforts against the asylum seekers' centre. First, this chapter discusses broader patterns of engagement on the Facebook page and the kinds of sources that were shared by users of the page. Next, this chapter presents the findings of the qualitative content analysis, discussing the dominant storylines that were expressed on the Facebook page, both in relation to material and cultural grievances, as well as discursive and institutional political opportunities of protesters. In addition, it addresses the ways in which protesters made use of the online opportunity structure to collectively organize their protest. Overall, this chapter explores how online storytelling and social media communication contributed to anti-asylum seekers' centre mobilization (and demobilization) by translating broader institutional opportunity structures, discursive opportunities, and cultural/material grievances, into mobilization factors that were relevant to the online community.