Chapter 4 departs from the Lacanian affirmation that there is no such thing as a sexual relationship. This affirmation is taken as referring to the fact that there is an impossible union of the two sexuated and ontological spaces created in the framing process of Reality. However, we point out that the impossible relation between feminine (the Real) and masculine (Reality) that the Master’s Discourse implies is concealed by the imposition of a fantasy that makes up for such impossibility. In an androcentric and heteronormative Reality, like the one we inhabit, the impossibility of the union between the masculine and the feminine sexual positions is the fantasy of heterosexual love. Furthermore, from a political feminist approach, this chapter analyzes the act as the moment in which the feminine sexual position may transgress this fantasy by creating a dislocation. Thus, the article analyzes different forms of acts that may be deployed to dislocate the frame of Reality. These acts are analyzed following the University’s Discourse and the Analyst’s Discourse structures while introducing some notes for political nosology.