If you’re a golfer you’ve no doubt heard the old saying that asserts, “When in doubt, use a five iron.” That is not bad advice. For those of you who don’t hit the little old white ball around let me explain this gem of wisdom. A five iron does not hit the ball a long distance like some other clubs. Neither does it have the accuracy of other clubs to hit the ball a short distance. Basically, a five iron is a middle-of-the-road club — in between everything else. It has a fair degree of accuracy and allows you to hit the ball a fair amount of distance. Because of this, golfers who are unsure what club to use are often told to rely on the trusty five iron. No, it won’t give you spectacular distance like a long iron or a wood or a pinpoint bull’s-eye accuracy like a short iron, but on the other hand it won’t do anything too extreme to damage your score.