This chapter discusses the some basic media concepts and looked at digital media. Trade show banners, brochures should focus on the same primary benefit; product placements should be consistent with the brand's positioning. A designer of traditional high fashion like Ralph Lauren should sponsor a fringe group rock concert. Sponsorships play important role in IMC, and involve a company or brand providing support for an event, organization, cause, even an individual. In return, the company has the right to display its brand name or logo, linked to the sponsored activity or individual, to use the sponsorship in their other marketing activities. Experiential marketing, sometimes also referred to as engagement marketing, utilizes limited-run, pop-up, Instagramable events. Because of the flexibility and multiple delivery sources, it is difficult to maintain message consistency. Any, and all, options for delivering IMC should be looked at, at least initially, as part of the strategic considerations for optimizing the development of the most effective IMC programme.