Wellness provides the energy that is required for everything you do. The more energy you have from the six types of health (physical, emotional, cognitive, occupational, social, and spiritual), the more engaged you can be. Your brain needs a lot of energy to focus during periods of engagement. Alternating between focused and unfocused brain states is necessary for sustained engagement. In the focused, engaged state, you are productive and able to pay attention to what is happening in the present moment. In the unfocused brain state, you rest and recover. With skillful management of time spent in each state, you can make the best use of the finite supply of energy available to you. By effectively managing your energy and becoming more engaged as a result, you can improve your health and ability to focus on human connections. This chapter suggests three categories of science-based engagement strategies that can stimulate the human brain in the remote experience: alternate activity with rest, decrease cognitive overload, and regularly reenergize to prevent burnout when interacting virtually.