Due to the accelerated rate of lifecycle of skills, obsolescence will be a shock to be experienced many times over one’s life – dismantling the idea of a three-stage-life (study–work–retire) due to the accelerated rate of lifecycle of skills. These psychological shocks will be plentiful, and closer, due to more job uncertainty, more workload, and faster work cycle from taskization, resulting overall in more job transitions. Conversely, all the effort put into maintaining high employ-ability, continuous learning, and an attractive education, learning and development portfolio, will make individuals more exacting in terms of remuneration and gratification. More data, more bandwidth, more access, and more transparency will provide access to more knowledge at our fingertips, but with tightly compressed timescales to be able to acquire it. This revolutionary technological avalanche will enable a seamless and boundaryless remote real-time collaboration environment that could be at least as effective as in-person, if not more, thanks to virtual and extended reality technologies.