This chapter shows the gradual transition of modern insurgencies and COIN to postmodern insurgencies and COIN in various regions of the world. David Kilcullen points out the importance of cyber mobilisation. Ethnic and religious identities rather than political and economic upliftment of the lower classes as envisioned in the Maoist insurgencies are the principal drivers of postmodern insurgencies. Religious ethos in motivating the insurgents to pursue holy war at the risk of death is a crucial integer of postmodern unconventional war. In 2002, Hamid Karzai became the President of the Interim Government and in October 2004, he was elected President in a nationwide election. The use of drones both for reconnaissance and combat is an essential feature of postmodern war. Somalia is a typical case of postmodern insurgency where medieval elements are blended with state-of-the art weapons and modern political discourse.