This chapter presents case studies that shows the varieties of internal COIN undertaken by the various countries; the institutional and doctrinal innovations which the armed forces experienced while combating the insurgents of different hue and colour at various moments of time. The Red Revolution in China was possible due to three factors: assistance from Moscow, the Second World War and the role played by Mao Tse-tung. Mao rightly noted that the Japanese aimed at a quick decision and that fighting a protracted war against them would wear them down. The post-independent Philippines faced a threat from the Communist and Islamic insurgents. The Hukbong Magpalayang Bayan or the Huk controlled large parts of the sugarcane and rice-growing areas of Central Luzon in 1945. Huk was originally referred to as the Hukbalahap, meaning the People’s Army against the Japanese. The island nation of Sri Lanka was able to suppress the Tamil insurgency which had posed a serious threat to the country’s integrity.