This chapter aims to describe a group which lasted for two weeks, examining particularly the interrelationships which developed between staff and students, the effectiveness or otherwise of its leadership, and the consequence of these on the development of group morale. The students’ common sense told them the idea was good and they’d give it a try. Mr Hay wondered whether to end the evening with a let-us-each-introduce-ourselves session, but since there seemed to be rather a large number of shy, nervous-looking individuals to whom it might be more of a strain than a help, he gave up the idea. Mr Hay had intended to leave half-way through the morning but he decided to stay because he felt that staff-student relationships could go either way. The opposite view, that all act within circumscribed limits of their own natures, seems unduly deterministic – at least if the limits are very stringently set – and is disproved by the students’ varying reactions.