In the town of Hamilton they took some refreshment, and then proceeded to view the falls of the Clyde. In vain did Oberne endeavour to enliven either the one or the other; he could obtain little more than monosyllables in reply to his observations, and at length gave way to the prevailing system, and was silent. The attendance of Nancy preserved her from the fatigue she would otherwise have willingly encountered, though she still insisted upon watching half the night, and passed almost the whole day in the chamber of the sufferer. Shocked at the idea of being compelled to solicit an appointment, Rosella most unwillingly descended the stairs, and preceded by Nancy, who announced her approach, entered the room where she had last seen Oberne. They had now reached Miss Beauclerc, who, on hearing the facility of their return, was extremely disappointed that not one hair-breadth escape should have graced so promising an adventure.