Rosella opened the sitting-room door, and seeing it empty, proceeded up another flight of stairs to greet Mrs. Ellinger, who she concluded was dressing; but before she had entirely finished her peregrination, she met a servant maid, who informed her that Mistress and Miss Livy was sot off to see ould Madam Swinney, who had been took vilent ill, and ispicted to die, as she was already noteless. – Rosella expressed her sorrow at this event, and measured back her steps to speak to Mr. Ellinger at the office door. Rosella was on the point of replying that she was expected to return to Ave-lines to dinner, but she was fearful that she might then be made to remain at Mr. Ellinger’s, entirely alone, and without smallest resource against the ennui which had already taken possession of her; and she was besides really anxious to see her old friend, and she readily assented to the saving plan proposed to her.