This chapter discusses the role of service leadership in the economic growth and sustainability of the firm. Several factors play a critical role in achieving this. Specifically, the chapter discusses the role of return on investment (ROI), building trust within and the outside community, as well as the decision-making processes in the organization.

Growth and sustainability are tied with increased returns on investment in a service firm. How this is accomplished is the focus of this chapter. When creating value for employees, shareholders, and the customers, a holistic approach provides the answer. The steps necessary in achieving the goals of a service organization and generating the revenues needed for its success and sustainability is to recruit the right individuals who are capable of making productive contributions through talent, skills, knowledge, ethics, and a caring attitude toward self and others. Hire an experienced leader with character and a caring attitude who is capable of integrating their skills in a team-led environment (habitat) to achieve the objectives of the organization and deliver the highest standard of service by all members of the service organization.

This chapter discusses the necessary steps in building trust within the organization and with the outside community.