Having established that the global (and all national) health systems are in need of a reboot, meaning a fundamental re-set with new software, hardware, and mindsets installed, to take that metaphor further, in this chapter, I first discuss what a system reboot would entail. Second, I make a concrete proposal for systemic change in national and global health based on public/private partnerships and new governance paradigms that have global reach but local legitimacy. My idea is to renew this effort without the weaknesses of the current poor global enforcement mechanisms of international law and the UN system. The goal would be to bring the system far beyond the current remit of the World Health Organization. Third, I cover the way technology needs to be brought to bear on this issue, which goes much further than simply slowly digitalizing our health system in an incremental fashion. The heart of this proposal is to truly bring "healthcare to the edge", meaning distribute both the delivery, execution and even the research on health by making use of wellness advocates, patients, patient stakeholders, local software vendors, and the entire healthcare profession. How can such a proposal begin to take shape? What would the process look like? Are there low-hanging fruits? How will its implementation be financed? I’ll show that not only is my proposal feasible, it is also the most effective, the most ethical path, and, as a necessary bonus, the most lucrative for all parties.