Post-trauma it is easy for a clinician, or for that matter a client, to be misled by the packaging received, what is written on the cover may be the wrong address and posting/treatment rendered ineffectual. The writing on the envelope by another clinician may be in bold letters, and lacking specificity, given say that there are two towns with the same name. A particular town may suggest itself because it is, say, geographically nearer and easier to deliver to, but actually incorrect (a casualty of the availability heuristic). In this chapter, a client is described who has developed a simple phobia following an accident and for which there appear ready therapeutic answers. However, further detailed enquiry reveals a more pernicious pre-existing problem that has affected every aspect of the person's life. Treatment is therefore not only a simple restoration (R) of pre-trauma driving abilities but also of ‘a re-build (R) on the same site’. Within the same case, the ‘R’ of Restorative CBT (RCBT) has two meanings, both of which must be taken into account simultaneously in treatment. The situation is not unlike where in physics light travels in a straight line but is also a wave motion, both are true, not easy to reconcile, and it is a matter of evidence-based practice to decide which theory to apply at any one point in time.