This chapter examines several key global issues to evaluate how the world has been simultaneously changing while in some respects remaining the same. It begins by examining the evolution of the global regime to limit nuclear weapons proliferation. Proliferation of nuclear weapons is among the most dangerous trends in global politics. The nuclear non-proliferation regime evolved out of arms control efforts during the Cold War. The prospect of a nuclear India existed even before the country gained independence. Chinese-US relations have fluctuated between partnership and hostility. China’s military modernization forecast US-Chinese competition, and in June 2021, NATO focused on China’s military capabilities. Chinese and US strategic interests reflect greater, though limited, convergence regarding nuclear proliferation. Washington and Beijing also disagree about human rights. China has emerged from decades of self-imposed isolation to become a great power in global politics and economics, and America seeks ways to balance cooperation and competition with Beijing. The Israel-Palestine question has festered for many decades.