The chapter explains why curvature quality matters and moves on to a discussion of curvature in verbal and mathematical terms. Then follows an examination of the geometry of lines and consideration of curvature in mathematical terms. Curvature is dealt with under the heading of line character (using terms designers will use in relation to CAD programs). That leads to how to think about blends from one main surface to another, or what is called curvature continuity. Good curvature continuity supports forms whose surfaces will have harmonious reflections. Reflections are what we see when light bounces off an object. We also need to consider shadow, darkness and contrast. Positive and negative space is discussed in terms of the interaction of light and shade. The chapter concludes with a short discussion of the industrial design corner and edge, the lines between different parts or panels and, finally, applied graphics. Exercises for readers to undertake in a classroom setting are suggested.