Milosevic sowed the seeds for genocide in April 1987, on a visit to the restive Albanian-dominated province of Kosovo. If it sought to secede, the result would surely be a secession by Bosnian Serbs in turn to integrate 'their' zone of Bosnia into Milosevic's Greater Serbia, while remaining within the federation meant enduring Serb domination. An in-depth United Nations report subsequently ascribed 90% of atrocities in Bosnia-Herzegovina to Serbs, and just 10% to Croats and Muslims combined. As with most such cases, the gender variable interacted with those of age and community prominence to produce a genocidal outcome in Bosnia. Many see this as an important spur to the genocide unleashed across Bosnia in ensuing months. Milosevic, charged with genocide for crimes in Bosnia-Herzegovina, waged a spirited defense before the tribunal but died in March 2006 before a verdict was reached.