This final chapter draws together the findings and analyses from the previous chapters into a coherent framework for further discussion, in order to capture the complexity, contradictions, and contextual basis upon which to understand teenage girls’ engagement with online porn. The chapter is divided into two sections. The first summarises salient points from previous chapters. Attention is given to theorisation around power, play, sexual agency, embodied pleasure, erotic desires, radical female sexuality, and girls’ voices, which have been so underrepresented in the literature to date. Central emphasis is placed on the need to understand online porn as a significant site for developing sexual identities and relationships as a form of play and playfulness as well as in relation to the broader context structured by gender, race, class, and sexuality. The second part of the chapter makes a strong case for informing interventions with teenage girls, reinforcing the need for close-up empirically based research to understand teenage girls’ expressions of online porn and the realities therein, rather than approaching interventions from a position of detachment. This expanded notion of teenage girls’ agency and investment in online porn demands an end to the binary construction of teenage girls as sexually innocent and ignorant of the vast and complex world of sexuality.