This chapter begins with a brief history of right-wing politics: Joseph de Maistre and his burning fuse. Then it looks to how right-wing politics has fared in the 2019 European Parliamentary elections: an aberration? From here the focus moves to the US: conservatism, republicanism, Trumpism, and Trumpeteers. The chapter then turns to right-wing politics in the UK and Australia (2020). From these perspectives, this chapter then considers issues surrounding the internationalizing right-wing politics. Right-wing think tanks/political lobbyists in the US, the UK, and Australia provide the resources for RMT. Now readers are positioned to consider an overview of right-wing politics and school education policy. The topic of right-wing politics and the reality and myth of One Nation in the US, the UK, and Australia adds to these perspectives, providing an explanation of the rise of right-wing politics and moral panic theory and risk-society theory. The chapter then turns to a reconsideration of right-wing politics and RMT. It concludes with some comparative conclusions.