This chapter first considers a comparative study of the right-wing politics and the pro-life lobby and its impact on school education. It then considers the organizational achievements of the Christian Right. Next it looks to the topic of the Christian Right and home-schooling. This leads into a brief survey of the history of the Christian Right in US school education, specifically the Scopes, Scott, and the Kansas incidents. Then follows a consideration of Christian Right in US politics and school education: Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority, while in Australia right-wing politicians seek the support of the Hillsong Church. Accompanying the rise of the Hillsong phenomenon has been the rise of Christian private schools, and a comparative study of this is provided. An account and analysis of schooling from the Christian Right and home-schooling, school vouchers, and charter schools provide, including a comparative examination of faith-based schools, the next focus of this chapter. Accommodationism, school education, and the Christian Right in the US follows. The chapter closes with some comparative conclusions.