The concept of plasticity, in its use by Malabou, can be understood then as a radical opening up of philosophy and Western thought to what might have been considered its other as constituted by the biological and mentality as embodied and situated in specific places. That reluctance, misunderstanding, indifference and inability to empathise is one of the central themes of Malabou's 'The Brain of History, or, The Mentality of the Anthropocene'. Some scientists believe that the Anthropocene really began in the late eighteenth century with the Industrial Revolution, some that it was brought on 12,000 years ago by the current geological designation the 'Holocene' and can be timed as far back as 10,000 years ago. Malabou performs her exploration of the Anthropocene as a dialectical critique, reading principally the works of Dipesh Chakrabarty and Daniel Lord Smail through one another respectively as thesis and antithesis.