From R. Whitboume, A Discourse and Discovery of Newfoundland (London, 1622), pp. 8 Iff. https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> Outfit of a ship for the fishing for forty men £ s d 11,000 cwt biscuit bread 15s 0d per ton 82 10 0 26 tun of beer and cider 53s 4d the tun 69 6 8 Two hogshead of very good English beef 10 0 0 Two hogshead of Irish beef 5 0 0 Ten fat hogs salted cask and salt 10 10 0 30 bushel peas 6 0 0 2 firkins butter 2 10 0 2 cwt cheese 6 0 One bushel mustard seed 1 5 0 One hogshead vinegar 1 0 0 Wood to dress meat withall 2 0 0 One great copper kettle 2 0 0 Two small kettles 2 0 0 Two frying pans 3 4 Platters, ladles and cans for beer 1 0 0 One pair of bellows for the cook 2 0 Locks for the bread rooms 2 6 Tap, borer and funnels 2 0 1 cwt candles 2 10 0 130 quarters of salt at 2s 0d the bushel (15 gallons to a bushel) 104 0 0 Mats and dunnage to lay under the salt 2 10 0 Salt shovels 10 0 More for repairing of eight fishing boats 500 ft of elm boards of 1” thickness at 8s 0d the hundred 2 0 0 2,000 nails for said boats and stages at 13s 4d the 1,000 1 6 8 4,000 nails at 6s 8d per 1,000 1 6 8 2,000 nails at 5d per 100 8 0 5 cwt pitch 2 0 0 One barrel of tar 10 0 Two cwt of Clack oakum 1 0 0 Thrums for pitch mabs 1 6 Bowls, buckets and funnels 1 0 0 Two brazen crocks 2 0 0 Canvas to make boat sails and small ropes filling for them at 25s 0d each sail 12 10 0 Ten boats’ anchors’ ropes 10 0 0 12 dozen fishing lines 6 0 0 24 dozen fishing hooks 2 0 0 Squid hook and squid lines 5 0 Fourpots and liver mands 18 9 Ironwork for ten fishing boats 2 0 0 Ten keepnet irons 10 0 Twine to make keepnets 6 0 Ten good nets at 26s 0d a net 13 0 0 Two seines a greater and a less 12 0 0 Two cwt of lead 1 0 0 Small ropes for seines 1 0 0 Dry vats for nets and seines 6 0 Flaskets and breadboxes 15 0 Twine for store 5 0 So much hair cloth as may cost 10 0 0 3 tun vinegar cask for water 1 6 8 Two barrels oatmeal 1 6 0 One dozen deal boards 10 0 One cwt spikes 2 5 0 Heading and splitting knives 1 5 0 Two good axes, four hand hatchets, four short wood hooks, two drawing irons, 2 adzes 16 0 3 yards good wool cloth 10 0 Eight yards good canvas 10 0 A grindingstone or two 9 0 An iron pitch pot and hooks 6 0 1,500 dry fish to spend thither wards 6 1 0 One hogshead aqua vitae 4 0 0 2,000 good Orlop nails 2 5 0 Four arm saws, four handsaws, four thwart saws, three angles, two crows of iron, two sledges, four iron shovels, two pickaxes, four mattocks, four claw hammers 5 0 0 Other necessaries 3 0 4 If ten men winter they will require of the above, 5 cwt biscuit bread, five hogshead beer or cider, half a hogshead beef, four whole sides of bacon, four bushels of peas, half a firkin of butter, half a cwt of cheese, one peck of mustard seed, one barrel of vinegar, 12 lb. of candles, two pecks of oatmeal, half a hogshead of aqua vitae.