The chapter begins by inviting the reader to reflect upon their own thoughts and feelings about dementia and where they originate in order to discuss common ideas and myths about dementia. Definitions are then provided and discussed. The chapter then discusses representations of dementia in popular culture and in professional discourses. Certain examples are given. The chapter discusses how bio-medical discourse has become dominant. It is explained how certain discourses stigmatise and ‘other’ people living with dementia. The emergence of more humanising, person-centred and rights-based dementia discourses is explained. The example of Terry Pratchett is given to provide an example of dementia activism. In challenging traditional discourses, the point is made that how the way people think and feel about dementia affects their attitudes to people living with dementia, which, in turn, affects the ways in which they interact with them. Consideration is given to the importance of language in constituting people living with dementia. There is a discussion on the appropriate language to use when thinking about and interacting with people living with dementia.