Thoughts and feelings are referred to when people speak of any one’s deeds with praise or blame; not those outer manifestations which reveal the thoughts and feelings. Hence people become oblivious of the truth that conduct as actually experienced, consists of changes recognized by touch, sight and hearing. The conduct of lowly-organized creatures is broadly contrasted with the conduct of highly-organized creatures, in having its successive portions feebly connected. The random movements which an animalcule makes, have severally no reference to movements made a moment before; nor do they affect in specific ways the movements made immediately after. Indefiniteness accompanies incoherence in conduct that is little evolved; and throughout the ascending stages of evolving conduct, there is an increasingly-definite coordination of the motions constituting it. There is an entire correspondence between moral evolution and evolution as physically defined. Conduct as actually known to us in perception and not as interpreted into the accompanying feelings and ideas, consists of combined motions.