The final test as to whether a man is a Collectivist or a Guildsman is to be found in his partiality for the Leisure or the Work State. If he favours the Leisure State, then he will be found to be at heart a Collectivist, while if he is a Guildsman he will have nothing to do with it. It is easy, of course, to understand why the Leisure State should have the more popular appeal of the two conceptions. It appeals to the immediate needs of the majority. More leisure connotes less toil, and for the majority who are slave-driven it appears to offer them immediate relief from the oppression they suffer. The civilization of ancient Greece, which approximated in some degree to the Leisure State, was based upon slavery. The Greeks were a logically minded people. Their ideal, in so far as it was formulated, was that of the perfect soul in the perfect body.