Carpenter argued that the middle classes are a different class from the working class but are 'generally speaking, working or labouring men – and working too, in such a sphere as to be almost wholly overwhelmed by anxieties and difficulties of precisely the description, arising from the same causes. The carry either of these principles into practical effect, secure them against perversion abuse of every kind, the plan recommended in Sir Francis Burdett's resolutions, submitted to the House of Commons in 1819, should be adopted. The great objection urged against such a geographical division of the country into electoral districts as that proposed—an objection in which originate all the difficulties besetting ministries in there attempts to establish a system of representation which they vainly hope will satisfy all, while it will ultimately be found to satisfy none; which gives rise to the most glaring anomalies in the bill—is this, that it would afford due protection to the "landed interest:".