The pamphlet concludes by quoting a letter from the philanthropist Angela Burdett-Coutts declining to run for the School Board, because she did not think that women should enter politics. The greater part of the rest of his pamphlet is filled with remarks on the injustice of some of the laws which affect married women and their property. “Suppose that we grant Miss Becker’s argument,” says a leading article in the Morning Post, “and acknowledge that though there exist bodily differences between the sexes there is none in their mind and intellect. The only person who would suffer by the alteration proposed would be Mr. Punch, who would then lose so many butts for his just ridicule. Miss Becker contends that in the animal world, in the case of the bee, the female is queen, and the males only subordinate. But she forgets that there are three sexes of the bee, and that it is the neuters who do the work.