The present crisis is favourable to our cause; the eyes of the people are opened to their true interests—our enemies are divided into a variety of factions; but do not remain inactive, continue firm at people's posts:—people want more than a change of men, people must have a change of measures—never abandon people's , right to universal suffrage and annual parliaments; for the want of a fair and equal representation has occasioned all people's misfortunes; persevere then; Citizens, and the laurels of victory will soon, adorn people's brow: fortune seldom deserts the brave. Inform the labourer and mechanic, that the Ministry impose taxes on the people; part of which they lavish in carrying on wars, and the rest, they divide amongst their friends and relations—tell them that a reform will Immediately lessen the expences of Government, which will reduce the price of all the necessary articles of life.