Chapter 10 reviews previous chapters, on: the 2018 Commission on Religious Education (CORE); Religion and Worldviews literature from beyond England; religion and religions; worldview and worldviews; Religion and Worldviews within established approaches to religious education (RE); knowledge-focused education, and knowledge-focused RE or Religion and Worldviews; well-being, the public good, education, and Religion and Worldviews; Religion and Worldview literacy; and Big Ideas and the challenge of curriculum design. Reflection follows on concepts significant across chapters (democracy, worldview, purpose, change, and research). Recommendations for curriculum development and research are made: close attention to the CORE report, and also to international perspectives on Religion and Worldviews; examination of the category of religion by pupils, together with conceptual fluency and understanding; clear definition of worldview; teacher grasp of the interpretive and other pedagogical approaches to religious education (RE); the setting of Religion and Worldviews in wider conceptions of the public good, and that pupils have opportunities for direct discussion and encounter; for Religion and Worldviews to contribute to democratic values in school; and for the Big Ideas curriculum framework to be considered positively.