In Guy Debord The Burnout Society, Byung-Chul Han offers certain new categories that are useful for explaining the specific psychological make-up of the Subject under neoliberal society and its subjectivization and subjection to the dominant political system. In neoliberal capitalism with the Big Data putting society under surveillance, this phantasmagoria takes a radical turn. Hans writes that ‘disciplinary technology’ reaches ‘beyond the physical realm, into the mental sphere’. Contesting the economic, political–cultural, and technological dominant and oppressive imperatives of neoliberal society, Han detects a rampant pornography. He writes: Porn pervades the neoliberal dispositif as its general principle. The body becomes pornographic when it loses all its scenic aspects, when it is simply required to function. The pornographic body lacks symbolism. The ritualized body, by contrast, is a splendid stage, with secrets and deities written into it.