Most of the problems in relation to the effectiveness of social work also apply to the field of probation. This chapter examines a few salient points for discussion which help to highlight issues which have also become apparent in the task-centred casework project. In the IMPACT experiment a suggestion emerged that offenders with low criminal tendencies and many personal problems had a more successful outcome than probationers with moderate or high criminal tendencies and average or few personal problems. Conversely, offenders with moderate or high criminal tendencies and average or few personal problems did significantly worse under intensive situational treatment than under normal probation supervision. In the London IMPACT sample 51 per cent of the clients were unemployed at the time of their current offence, yet in the subsequent probation order only 8 per cent received extra help related to work. There is the personality and style of the key workers, be they hostel warden, social worker, or probation officer.