The author was fascinated by letters in general, and in principle, any other could have served his purposes just as well. However, as one letter that the words ‘art’, ‘architecture’ and ‘anthropology’ share in common, A has come to stand in his imagination for what is also shared by the disciplines named by these words. Of the twelve original panels comprising the exhibit, the author has selected seven. These include a silhouette made in the shadow of a cut-out A shape; a series of As from a set of letters of the alphabet in moulded plastic designed for pre-school children; and a diagram illustrating the evolution of the letter A from the Egyptian ox-head hieroglyph. These also include an A inscribed in a Gothic hand with a quill pen; a line of typed As compared with a line in cursive script; a phonetic A and a musical A; and an embroidered A threaded with a needle.