Chapter 8 looks at the ways in which orchestras and opera companies are utilising digital and online media to deliver their education and community engagement programmes and to interact with their audiences. This has been an area of particular focus and rapid development over recent years, necessitated by organisations looking to maintain activity and connection despite the barriers of social distancing and lockdowns. At the time of writing, face-to-face delivery has begun to re-emerge across the globe. However, although audiences and orchestras have treasured the return to live performance and the special connection that only occurs when a musical event is shared in the same space together, there is a higher awareness now of the possibilities of digital connection. Many interviewees have spoken of the “hybrid” model that they have now arrived at, with a mixture of digital and face-to-face delivery. This hybrid delivery allows organisations to maintain and build audiences, both local and international, from their home base through streaming of concerts, interviews with players, online education events, and collaborative projects. This online presence is then linked to face-to-face delivery through live local and national events, with international touring added as the final extra element. In this hybrid model, digital and face-to-face events are aligned to maximise engagement and allow greater equity of access.