Following an “Introduction” containing a brief explanation on the basic distinguishing features of an unmanned ship, the subject matter will be analysed under four headings:

In the second sub-chapter concepts of automation and autonomy in general will be considered and then several definitions on the categories and degrees of automation will be provided.

This will be followed by the technical premises of the unmanned ships, with special emphasis on artificial intelligence and communication systems, which will constitute the main supportive technological factor, actually the sine qua non of unmanned ship operations.

Communication systems that will take place in the focal point of unmanned ship operations are examined from several perspectives with the essential requirements and standards that these systems must possess.

Under sub-chapter IV, seaworthiness, a quite extensively regulated and well settled subject, but which will bring new dimensions and therefore will need new approaches, particularly due to the involvement of the control centre, will be analysed. While the control centre will be an indispensable unit, indeed an inseparable element of unmanned ship operations, it will neither be a part of the ship, nor will it have any physical connection or relation with sea, and this particularity is creating the real problem.