This chapter provides information on doping and how coaches may influence attitudes towards doping and what they can do to reduce favourable attitudes towards doping and doping susceptibility. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS), which accounted for 43% of doping offences in grass-roots sport, are associated with numerous and serious ill effects on the liver, heart, kidneys, and reproductive systems in males and females. The Drugs in Sport Deterrence Model (DSDM) by Strealan and Boeckmann, which utilised criminal deterrence theory, suggested that decisions to dope by athletes are related to an athlete’s appraisal of deterrents and the benefits of doping. Legitimacy refers to the extent to which organisations (e.g. WADA, UKAD) are viewed as being valid organisations and have power within the process of doping control. The athlete’s personality also influences their attitude towards doping.